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We have compiled a list of a few amazing organizations across the country that are delivering programs for & providing resources to B-WGGD. Visit the link in our bio to explore and donate!

  1. Third Eye Collective (Montreal)

The Third Eye Collective is a survivor initiated intergenerational grassroots collective led by self-identified women of Black/African origins. This collective is dedicated to healing from and organizing against sexual, gender-based, intimate partner, and state and institutional violence, as well as incest. Our intention is to end intergenerational violence and transform communities of African descent by prioritizing the safety and self-determination of Black women survivors through the lens of transformative justice.


  1. HoodSTOP les violences sexuelles (Hoodstop sexual violence) (Montréal)

Hoodstock bâtit un programme de prévention et de sensibilisation aux violences sexuelles, dédié à la jeunesse de Montréal-Nord, pour pallier l’absence de programme inclusif et ciblé en la matière. Par un travail de consultation du milieu, de co-construction avec la jeunesse et de recherche, Hood-STOP les violences sexuelles se veut un projet mobilisateur, avec un ancrage local, et adapté aux réalités des populations issues de la diversité. L’implication des jeunes dans l’élaboration d’idées et d’initiatives visant à réduire les violences sexuelles, contribuera à les former afin qu’ils et elles deviennent des agent·es de transformation auprès de leurs pairs.

Instagram Page      

Notable posts: 1, 2, 3, and 4



  1. BWSS Colour of Violence Inititiative (Vancouver)

COLOUR OF VIOLENCE: Gender, Race and Anti-Violence Services – Placing racialized survivors at the center of anti-violence work

Over the past year, BWSS has been engaged in a community-based research project to better understand and raise awareness on the experiences of Indigenous, Black, newcomer immigrant/refugee, and racialized survivors accessing gender-based violence services in British Columbia (B.C).

Drawing on the foundational work of INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence, our own Colour of Violence: Race, Gender & Anti-Violence Services report explores the extent to which gender and race influence system-based responses to gender-based violence.

We specifically highlight the experiences of survivors navigating inadequate and inaccessible anti-violence services in B.C. We also examine the police and criminal legal system, child services, immigration, and other institutional responses. Our key research approach is a “by and for” approach, with all the work conceptualized and conducted by Black, Indigenous, and racialized staff of BWSS.



Our work is grounded in spreading the message of UBUNTU – Compassion, Humanity & Harmony. We are committed to a deep sense of interconnectedness and mutuality that changes attitudes and behaviors. We believe in radical inclusivity. We believe our work and efforts, through education, advocacy, and community building, has the power to address the prejudice at the root of our histories where it lives – in the hearts and minds of people.



  1. Black Women in Motion

Black Women in Motion is a Toronto-based, survivor-led, grassroots organization that empowers and supports the advancement of Black women, girls, nonbinary and gender-non-conforming survivors of gender-based violence. We work within an anti-racist, intersectional feminist, trauma-informed and survivor-centred framework to create culturally-relevant resources, healing spaces, educational and economic opportunities for survivors.

Notable programs: Black Peer Education Network

Notable article: How to support sexual violence survivors and fight rape culture

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